A Word from the Eagle's Nest

from the desk of Executive Director Dr. Steve Horton

Happy Winter Eagle Alumni and Friends!

I bet some of you remember some of those cold, rainy days back in the Januarys when you were at LSMSA—particularly the walk between the dorms and the HSB.  I vividly remember the ice storm of January 1988 and driving the bus to the Shreveport Airport via an icy Hwy 1 North to pick up a student who was coming back from a trip.  I also remember how cold Prudhomme was.
This January hasn’t disappointed.  Literally one week after coming back to campus, we had to close the campus for a week in preparation for a predicted winter storm—that didn’t hit us as hard as was predicted, but yes, we had a pipe burst in the new LLC.  And with that burst came the drop in water pressure that lasted a little while.  Can you imagine what it would have been like to not be able to “flush” across campus? 
Another experience; another memory!
As you peruse the contents of this newsletter, you will probably remember your own Special Projects experiences and smile when you read about some of the unique experiences our kids enjoyed over the week.  During the week a new regulation-size pool table was delivered and installed in the LLC thanks to the generosity of the Perdue family.  And that’s only one of the many projects that will be showcased this spring.  We are so fortunate to have benefited from federal funding for COVID relief initiatives, particularly in the dining hall.  But for those of you who had work service in the “old” cafeteria, you’ll enjoy seeing a few changes to the structures that were such a part of that time.
I personally welcome Michele Robinson to the LSMSA family.  We had the opportunity to be with Michelle during Special Projects week and know that she will be a fantastic addition to the Foundation!  Her experience while with Louisiana Tech’s Foundation will be so beneficial to us as we continue to move into the next chapter of the School!
Enjoy the next weeks of this new season.  We are so grateful for your continued support, and know that I am always here if you have questions, comments, or you just want to visit!