For our students, families, and alumni of color, we stand with you.

Recognizing that we could have joined the local and national conversations sooner, we express sorrow for the losses in Minneapolis, Louisville, South Georgia and so many other areas of the United States.  We know that these tragic events represent incidents of terrible violence but also reflect systemic racism and a historical culture of injustice within our country.  LSMSA must honor concerns of persons of color within our campus and beyond.  It is our sincere hope that our campus consistently represents making space and holding space for our students, faculty, and staff both communally and individually.  But we recognize that there are ways that we must redouble those efforts and ask ourselves to listen carefully and to consider more fully how we can engage with student needs, with social needs, and with community justice.  To that end, we commit to the formation of a deliberate campus conversation in the months to come which will include common reads, inclusive conversations, and overall institutional review in matters of diversity concerns throughout our community.  We want to explore ways that we can bring meaningful change for our campus and our community.  Though we are not all together on campus right now, we want to offer support through these difficult times.  We will follow up in days to come with additional information and resources to help support our campus and extended family.
For our students, families, and alumni of color, we stand with you.