Philanthropy in Action - Monthly Giving / Recurring Gifts

Monthly giving is an important and rewarding way to show your support for LSMSA.
Monthly / recurring gifts are important to LSMSA because:
•    Every dollar counts for LSMSA, and a guaranteed dollar amount each month allows us the flexibility to respond to needs as they occur.
•    They provide support during slower months. While any type of donation is an immense help to us, the reliability and commitment you offer by being a monthly donor is invaluable stability that cannot be replicated with one-time donations.
•    Your monthly/recurring donation will help LSMSA develop our budget, goals, and overall plan for the year. 
Monthly giving also provides benefits for you, the donor:
•    Monthly giving is a great way to include charitable donations in your budget. Monthly donations are automatic. That means once you sign up, you won’t have to worry about remembering to support LSMSA. You always have complete control to increase, decrease, or suspend your monthly pledge if your circumstances change.
•    Spreading out your donation may allow you to contribute more than you originally thought. For example, spending $500 all at once might be too much for the monthly budget to handle, but if donating $50 every month is doable, you’ll actually donate $600 by the end of the year!
•    As a recurring donor, you, play a direct role in reaching long-term goals and advancing the LSMSA’s mission. You’re truly part of the team.

Your philanthropy makes a difference -- please consider setting up a recurring gift today. 


Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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