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Gallery Reception: Anne Bujold & Claire Shultz

CPT - Center for Performance & Technology - Art Gallery - T103

Anne Bujold and Claire Shultz from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette will visit campus for an opening of their show in the LSMSA Gallery, 4:30-6 p.m., Tuesday, April 9.

This reception is open to the public and there is no cost to attend. The LSMSA Gallery is located in the Center for Performance and Technology (CPT) on the west side of the High School Building. 
Anne Bujold combines metalsmithing and blacksmithing techniques with alternative materials such as felt, ribbon, and plastics. In her sculpture, animals are agents examining the spaces between definitions, that fertile ground where new forms emerge.
Dr. Claire Amy Schultz, Assistant Professor of Art Education, is the 2023 Eminent Faculty Award’s Leadership Service Award recipient. She has been a faculty member at UL Lafayette since 2018 in the Department of Visual Arts in the College of the Arts.
Dr. Schultz focuses on incorporating service throughout her curriculum and makes sure that her art education students get hands on experience in the community. She has partnered with organizations such as the UL Lafayette Child Development Center, Hilliard Art Museum and Acadiana Center for the Arts to provide her students with a plethora of professional engagement opportunities. She currently is the president-elect for the Louisiana Art Education Association and serves as the UL Lafayette representative for the Kennedy Center Partners in Education program.

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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