1983 Society & Cornerstone Spotlight: Q&A with Dr. Penny Dupre (’99) 

Dr. Penny Dupre (’99) is both a member of the 1983 Society and the Cornerstone Society. She is a doctor at South Alabama Medical Clinic and is married to Dr. Michael Do.
What's your favorite memory of LSMSA? 
I really can't choose just one. The dances were always fun though. 

What's your best advice for current LSMSA students? 
Take the fun classes too. While it is challenging, you have to remember to have some fun too.  

What would you say to someone who is considering attending LSMSA? 
It is a great opportunity to flex your independence and meet lots of amazing people. You'll work your tail off and learn so much. If you feel like there is no one else like you at your school, give it a try because there are others out there looking to be found too. But I also know it isn't for everyone, and that's OK too. 

Why is supporting LSMSA important, even after you've graduated? 
I loved my time there. It really pushed and challenged me- I was breezing through my old high school and would have never ended up hearing about the small private liberal arts college I attended (and also loved). My family could not afford private school and this was a way that I could attend a top tier school without the financial burden. I am happy to give back now so other kids could have the same opportunities. 

How would you describe LSMSA to someone who has never heard of it? 
It's like Hogwarts but for muggles and no dark lord to battle. 

How has your education at LSMSA impacted your life? 
It challenged me to think outside the box and to work hard to reach my goals. 

If you could put your experience at LSMSA into two sentences, what would you say? 
LSMSA opened up a bigger world of experiences for me because of the diversity in the student body as well as staff.


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