Q&A with Alayna Dees ('24) of Natchitoches

Learn more about Foundation work service student Alayna Dees ('24) of Natchitoches.
Q: What are your academic interests and goals?
A: I want to learn about all different mediums of art and put them into practice, and study the arts and humanities.

Q: What are some of your non-academic interests, hobbies, and goals?
A: To get faster times at my swim meets and make it to state, and to perform well at the All-State Orchestra Concert in November. (Note: since this interview, Alayna has accomplished her all-state goal!).

Q: What is your biggest fear?
A: Being stuck at a job I hate and losing the people closest to me.

Q: What would you say is your best strength?
A: My drive and ability to use resources well.

Q: Who do you admire and why? 
A: My mother for her persistence and care, and my aunt Mary for her passion and interest in clay work.

Q: Where do you want to visit or what is your dream vacation?
A: Anywhere. I would love to go to Oregon, to Europe, or anywhere out of the country.

Q: What is the most interesting place you have already visited?
A: The most interesting place I have visited is Colorado.

Q: Do you have pets? If so, what are they? 
A: Yes, I have one dog named Daisy, one cat named Stuby, and a turtle named Shelly.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
Hopefully, I will either be working outside the country teaching arts or traveling and learning about more diverse cultures and their customs.

Q: What else would you like to tell us about yourself?
A: I love having new experiences and seeing new things. I think experiencing all the world has to offer is one of the most important things about us as humans and I want to see as much as I can.