Q&A with Anderson Kelly ('25)

Where are you from?
I’m from Natchitoches and having this opportunity so close to home for me has been the best thing ever! 

What are your academic interests and goals?
I love all history classes my goal is to be a wildlife veterinarian and be certified as a wildlife biologist. 

What are some of your non-academic interests and hobbies?
I love to play tennis and go hunting with my family. I enjoy playing piano and spending time outdoors as stress relievers. 

What do you consider your biggest strength?
I’m a very hard-working person and understand that I will make mistakes and not everything will come easy to me. 

Who do you admire and why?
I admire both of my grandpas. My mom’s dad was stationed in Germany and served in the army during WWII. He’s shown me a great example of bravery and that if he and so many others can make it through those tough times then so can I. My dad’s dad was a state senator for Louisiana for several terms. He stood up for what he believed in and was influential in the start of LSMSA. He’s shown me to fight for what I want and has made this school so much more special to me.

Where do you most want to visit? 
My dream vacation is to go to Europe -- Germany to be specific -- and follow the trail my grandpa took while he served in WWII.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
I’d like to see myself a year or two out of veterinary school or still in vet school completing my time there and getting ready to graduate, and then taking my licensing exam. 

What else would you like to tell us about yourself?
Some alumni may remember when LSMSA had a crew team...this year we are starting to train and trying to start a new team! 
