Here Comes Fall, Y’all!

It may feel like March 592nd (and let’s face it, it does), but fall is almost here! Dr. Horton and the school board recently made the difficult decision to hold LSMSA’s fall semester virtually to prioritize the health and safety of students, staff and faculty. Learn more about how LSMSA will continue to offer curriculum, student academic support, and student services through an online platform, and how donors are poised to help.
Though LSMSA is unable to offer the residential component of our living/learning experience this fall, faculty will work primarily through the myLSMSA platform for content presentations and assessments, and Dual Enrollment will still be available through Northwestern State University.

School administration and donors recognize the increased needs of families during this pandemic and recession, understand that the extension of virtual schooling may cause additional financial challenges, and will make all efforts to guarantee that all students will be able to attend LSMSA in spite of any financial hardships.

Parents may request assistance for their children this semester by logging into myLSMSA, selecting Resources, then completing the Student Enrichment Fund Individual Application. (This form must be completed by parents or guardians, not students.) Requests for assistance are evaluated by a committee on a case by case basis.
