NRMC Foundation grant contributes to LSMSA students’ wellbeing

Funding from the NRMC Foundation will be used toward wellness initiatives around the LSMSA campus
The Natchitoches Regional Medical Center (NRMC) Foundation recently gifted $3,000 toward wellness initiatives at the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts (LSMSA). The grant was received by the LSMSA Foundation.

The LSMSA Foundation, a non-profit extension of LSMSA, works to support the school by offering enrichment opportunities, equipment, and resources to enhance classroom instruction.

The funding from the NRMC Foundation will help the school’s Fitness Center purchase necessary inventory, including equipment for boxing, weightlifting, volleyball, disc golf, flag football, table tennis and soccer. The grant will also help the school purchase related items ranging from medical supplies to field paint.

Tom Matuschka, vice president of business development and philanthropy at NRMC, an LSMSA Class of 1990 graduate, and the father of a 2018 LSMSA graduate, says that funding was provided to LSMSA because the school’s proposed project went hand-in-hand with the NRMC Foundation’s overall objective.

“It is our pleasure to continue to assist LSMSA with refurbishing and improving the student health and fitness center,” stated Matuschka. “The LSMSA student, faculty and staff are very important to Natchitoches, and as a Parish Hospital Service District, it is our core purpose to care for our community. The NRMC Foundation exists to advance community wellness, and we hope that everyone at LSMSA will use the health and fitness center on a regular basis.”

Jacob Spielbauer, lecturer of Health and Physical Education at LSMSA, has been overseeing the Fitness Center at the school and believes the grant will improve the well-being of students and faculty alike.

“We are grateful to the NRMC board for providing us with this grant,” said Spielbauer. “The funds truly impact students’, faculty and staff’s awareness of physical activity and fitness by helping us offer more opportunities in the Fitness Center at LSMSA.”

The Fitness Center was established to encourage healthy habits in students while also providing them alternative coping skills for their often strenuous course-loads.

“The link between physical fitness and academic performance is strong,” said Spielbauer. “When we are more alert, we perform better both in and out of the classroom.”

Physical education courses at LSMSA include yoga, boxing, weight training and karate, as well as other traditional physical education courses. The Fitness Center is open and free to all students who attend the school. For more information about LSMSA’s Health and Physical Education Department, visit

Pictured (l to r): NRMC Foundation Board Member Marion Johnston, LSMSA Executive Director Dr. Steve Horton, LSMSA Foundation Executive Director Angela Couvillion, LSMSA Coordinator of Athletics and Recreation Coach Dale Clingerman, LSMSA Lecturer of Health and Physical Education Jacob Spielbauer, and NRMC Vice President of Business Development and Philanthropy/Foundation Executive Director Tom Matuschka.

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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