Class of 2018 attends college fair in Baton Rouge

Juniors begin college admission process
Members of the Class of 2018 at LSMSA learned more about the college admissions process when they attended College Fair 2017 at Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge on Sunday, March 26.

“We collaborated with high schools from Baton Rouge to New Orleans to offer an inside view of the admissions process through case studies,” said Leah Lentz, college counselor in the College Counseling Center at LSMSA. “From the tip of South Louisiana to the far reaches of North Louisiana, students and families worked side by side with seven leaders in higher education to unveil the secrets behind how admission offices across the country reach admission decisions.”

Following the case studies sessions, students and families participated in general browsing with more than 50 colleges from across the country.

After a long day of researching colleges and working to better understand the application process, families gathered for a tailgate where everyone enjoyed pizza and a wide variety of desserts provided by families of LSMSA.

“The College Counseling Center is eternally grateful for our families and students and the continued opportunity to work closely with them in the college application process,” said Lentz. “College-bound families can feel the application process is daunting. The CCC hopes to continue to shed light on this process and open doors to their future.”

Students really enjoyed and appreciated the efforts of the CCC in arranging the college fair.

“Thank you for the college fair,” said Kerry Doyle of Eros. “My parents now understand many of the important parts of college applications and know what to look for in colleges, and I got to find out what kind of college I am looking for, which is very helpful.”

Sydney McCollough, of Mansfield, encouraged students who attend the college fair in the future to visit colleges they have never heard of before.

“I decided that instead of going to my top colleges, I would visit colleges I have never heard of so I could broaden my options,” she said. “I was very pleased with what I found.”