Not too late to apply for 2017-18 school year

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It is not too late to start the application process at LSMSA for current freshmen, sophomores and juniors.

A completed application includes the student’s portion (short answers); parental permission; two teacher recommendations (one from an English instructor and one from a math instructor); one counselor recommendation; a recent (within the last calendar year) ACT or SAT score; and an official campus visit.

Once all of these items have arrived in the Office of Enrollment Services, it usually takes two to three weeks for the administration to respond to students with a decision.

If a student has not registered for the ACT, it is encouraged that he or she do so immediately.

Interested applicants may contact the Office of Enrollment Services when and if they have questions about the application process. The office number is 1-318-357-2503.

Click here to begin the simple online process.